Suchef is a smart recipes app designed to be the best way for people to cook smarter, not harder. It's focused on three main actions: matching users to perfectly curated recipes, considering their preferences and limitations; helping with groceries; and presenting the recipes themselves in a new rich media format, created specifically for this project.
It all started as an idea I had when facing really common problems in the kitchen and realizing we already have the tech to deal with them in a much better way, but somehow this product I envisioned did not exist yet. So I decided to create it, or at least use it as a design study case.
Suchef only came to life as a design project when I shared the ideas with Gabi Neri, one of my dearest friends and a Product Designer at Nubank (I used to report to her, btw). I am extremely thankful for her collaborations in this project, since it was what got me started on UI/UX and product design, and also my first experience in Figma, back in 2020, which later would become my favorite design software by far.

Our Notion page, full of ideas and concepts that we would constantly revise and refine!

We wanted to have a good foundation to create the interfaces on, so we actually took a lot of time in the beginning to lay out how this app/platform would work first. When we realized, we had a business model, a database scheme, and a lot of user flows in mind, so it's safe to say this was more than just UI pratice, it was a great product design learning experience.
Check out below the interactive prototypes for two of the user flows in the app: the home page and the search page.
Interactive Prototypes
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